Careers for Psychology Graduates - CPA 2021 Webinar #2 - Selection/interviewing: How to prepare for an interview (and what to do in an interview to succeed)

Thursday May 13, 2021 from 1-2pm ET
Virtual Event

Building on the huge success of the CPA’s inaugural virtual Career Fair in November 2020, the CPA, in collaboration with the CPA’s Industrial/Organizational Section, will be hosting three career-related webinars in the month of May for Student Affiliates of the CPA.

The sessions will focus on some of the most important elements in starting one’s career:

  1. Searching for a job and writing a customized CV/cover letter (May 6th)
  2. Preparing for an interview (May 13th)
  3. Negotiating an employment agreement/contract/salary (May 20th). 

Space is limited for each webinar


Please note that registration for this webinar is restricted to ONLY CPA Student Affiliates.

If you have not yet completed your 2021 CPA Membership Renewal, you will be redirected to your renewal invoice upon logging in. You will need to renew your membership to access the event registration.

If you would like to become a CPA Student Affiliate, please click here to apply.