CPA 2020 Virtual Series - Sponsorship and Tradeshow

July 6, 2020 - August 31, 2020

The CPA’s Annual National Convention is the one place each year where 1,600 – 1,800 scientists, practitioners, educators, and students of psychology come together each year to learn about advances, developments and issues that govern practice, science, and education in psychology.

While COVID-19 will prevent us from gathering together in person, this year the CPA is transitioning its annual convention to a two-month virtual series that is sure to bring more people together than ever!

Take advantage of the low entry barrier for our 2020 virtual series! With free registration for CPA Members, Affiliates, and Student Affiliates, and two months of new and ongoing content, we are anticipating a broad audience to attend, including multiple people within the same organization. The two-month duration will promote rich engagement and give you ample opportunity to engage with delegates.